This week Harvard announced it is planning to host a “homeschooling summit” co-organized by two professors who have characterized homeschooling as “child maltreatment” and even called for a “presumptive ban” on the practice. Calling into question, to whom has God given authority over our children?
Now that schools are closed, many parents are finding themselves in the role of teacher. Some parents are thoroughly enjoying this time while others are overwhelmed and can’t wait for it to be over. Whatever the reaction, God has provided an amazing time for parents to discover on a deeper level what their children are being taught in the school system.
If you find yourselves in this position right now, it is easy to feel intimidated. It is easy to believe that teachers are so much better educated and skilled. It is easy to believe they should be the ones teaching your children. Yet God gave the role of educating children first to their parents.
And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7
God intends for parents to be the primary teachers in their children’s lives. You may not have the knowledge of a specific subject that a teacher has, but you know the Word of God and the depth of your relationship with Him. He wants you to share naturally and consistently with your children about who He is and all that He provides. Scripture says “talk with them”, not lecture or expound. Just talk with them. It goes on to say, do it when you sit in your house (as you now do daily), when you are walking with them, at night and in the morning–in other words, every chance you get.
What an amazing opportunity to have right now to do exactly what scripture says. So instead of stressing out over subjects that may leave you glassy-eyed, gather round your table and talk to your children from your heart, teaching them about what really is important in life.
Family Interaction:
Have your children come to your table today with something they are working on in their lives. It could be a problem, a question, a fear, or anything else that is on their heart. Then talk with them about it. How do they think God sees it? Does His Word say anything about it? Have you experienced something similar in your life that taught you something about God?
When you feel everything has been shared, ask them what they learned about God today. Was it His love, His faithfulness, His power? It might even be His silence at times. Rest in the fact that He will show you what to say and do. Whatever He asks us to do, He is right there helping us do it. Trust Him today to speak through you and teach your children about Him.
Father, thank You for giving us our children. Thank You for establishing us as the primary teachers in our children’s lives and for showing us how to do that. Please give us wisdom and Your insight into their lives. We trust You to speak through us to them. Help us to discern if other influences in their lives need our attention. Please use this time together in our home to build a stronger bond between us. Help us to take advantage of it and to talk with our children often of You. Help us to teach them what really matters. In Jesus’ name, Amen~