Years ago our son-in-law was suffering from a terminal liver disease. During his illness, his transplant, and all the months of recuperation that followed, many wonderful people supplied their family with dishes of food. As their boys grew older, our daughter challenged each of them to master 14 meals before they graduated from high school. The object was not just that they learn to cook, but that they always make two meals: one for their family and one to give away. They have blessed people who were homebound with illness, who had suffered the loss of a family member, who were facing trying circumstances, or who just needed some love and encouragement.
Now that schools are closed and children are at home, our grandson Jake has opened a youtube channel and is recording his cooking. His videos have inspired many other kids who are at home to begin cooking with their parents. It is becoming a special bonding time as they work together in the kitchen.
Right now it is difficult to get that second meal out to others, but they are freezing some of them and are planning to cook the others fresh when we are all out again. If you would like to see what Jake is doing, join him on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXN2HYJEB28
Family Interaction:
What can your family do to give back in this hour? Truly we are all limited in outreach, but there is still much that can be done for others. Staying within social distancing guidelines maybe you could help an elderly neighbor with yard work or read and record a book for a sibling or cousin that is too young to read. Ask the Lord for creative ideas. Our home should be a place of outreach to those around us. Right now we may not be able to physically visit each other, but there are other ways to bless people. Gather round your table and brainstorm with the Lord what creative ways He would have you be a blessing to others in this hour.
Father, You are such a creative God and we know You have exciting ideas for ways that we can reach out to others right now. We want them to know Your love and care during this time of turmoil and fear. We want to show them in some way that You are there for them. Show us, please, how to reach out, how to pay it forward so that others may be blessed and we may show them who You are. You have filled us with gifts and talents. May they come forth creatively right now. In Jesus’ name, Amen.