Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:10
It is very quiet right now. There is very little traffic on the roads. Stores are closed. Children are not going to school. Few people are going to work. And often this is the scripture that comes to mind.
Our lives were very busy before and it was difficult to be still. So many urgent things crowded in, demanding time and attention. It is no wonder that God tells us we need to be still to know who He is. Our focus must be on Him and often in our busy lives it was hard to find time for that.
Now around the world it is quiet. It is time for God to be exalted among the nations, to be exalted in the earth. The enemy meant this time for harm. Scripture tells us that he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But in the stillness of this hour we can truly come to a deeper knowing of God. And as that happens around the world, God will be exalted among the nations.
We have had no choice in this time of quieting, but in days to come as we return more to our daily lives again, we will have a choice. David said in Psalm 131:2, “I am humbled and quieted in your presence. Like a contented child who rests on its mother’s lap, I’m your resting child and my soul is content in you.” The choice is ours. We must be the ones who choose to be still. Life is going to get hectic again some day, but it doesn’t mean we have to give up precious quiet time with the Lord. Now, in the stillness of this hour we can choose what will be a priority in the days to come.
Family Interaction:
Today when you gather round your table talk about why the Lord asks us to be still. He didn’t say to be still so He could speak to us or to be still so we could hear the answer to our prayer. He asked us to be still so we could know He is God. Perhaps that means more than just knowing that He is God. What do you all think it means? How will you all find ways of being still when life returns to normal, or at least more what we have known before.
Father, we are so busy. We make our plans and live our lives the way we want and then we pray and ask You for things we need. We need to take time just to spend with You, quietly sitting with You and getting to know You. Help us to remember Your words to us to be still and know You. We know that life is going to press in again at some point with busyness and activities and we want to keep You in the center of our lives. Help us during this quiet time to prioritize what is really important in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.