Have you ever been amazed by the scripture, “A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression“? (Psalm 17:22TPT) Laughter does some amazing things!
According to HelpGuide.org, “laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. It relaxes the whole body, protects the heart, and releases endorphins (the body’s natural feel-good chemicals). It also burns calories, diffuses anger and conflict, and may even help you live longer.”
Psalm 2 talks about the nations raging and the king’s of the earth plotting evil. And in reaction to all that it says, “God-Enthroned merely laughs at them; the Sovereign One mocks their madness!” (Psalm 2:4TPT)
Sometimes the enemy tries to convince us that he has power over us, that he can freely do what he desires. Yet we know that is not true. The enemy was totally defeated at the cross. Every day, though, the news media and other voices around us are telling us about the power of the enemy. All that fuels fear.
Family Interaction:
So today when you gather round your table, take some time and laugh together. Tell jokes, share something funny that happened one time, or just sit and laugh for no reason at all.
Laugh as God laughs in the heavens. Laugh and let that laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your mood, and release those mood-changing chemicals into your brain. Let that laughter bring healing to your body and your soul. And remind the enemy that he is a defeated foe!
Father, today we rejoice with You! We shake off the chains of fear and oppression brought on by the negative words spoken all around us. We look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, and agree with Him and all He has told us. His word is true and greater than anything the enemy can say. Thank You that You have given us the gift of laughter! Amen.