Any area of your marriage that may have been a little (or a lot) rough before is probably being strained to the limit now with all the circumstances you are facing. If you have children, they are now home 24/7. You may be involved in home schooling now and you may never have done that before. Finances may be strained if your employment is now on hold. If you are working from home. there are challenges there as well.
It is important right now that you work together as husband and wife. This can be a season of wonderful opportunity to strengthen your home and family. Or it can be a super stressful time of conflict and contention.
Family Interaction:
We want to help. For a limited time during our current situation we are offering our Married for Life video course totally free of charge. Watching other couples share the challenges they have faced and how the Lord brought healing and wholeness to them and their family will build your faith in this hour.
Instead binge watching a TV series, why not curl up together and watch 12 videos of real life miracles in marriages.It is our gift to you today. Check it out.
Father, we trust You in this hour to minister to our marriage and our family. We recognize that the healthier our marriage is, the stronger our family will be. Teach us, Lord, Your amazing plan for marriage. Help us to overcome areas of conflict or unforgiveness. Help us to take our areas of strength to a whole new level. We look forward to what You will do! Amen