Imagine for a moment what it must have been like for the Israelites who wanted to leave Egypt. They were slaves there and the Egyptian government had severely worsened their working conditions. Moses had been sent by God to lead them out of Egypt, but Pharaoh would not let them go. The country had endured plagues of water turning to blood, an infestation of frogs, then lice, then flies, then the death of all Egyptian livestock, then boils, then hail, then an infestation of locusts, and then darkness over the land for three days. Yet still Pharaoh would not let God’s people go.
Because of the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart, God then proclaimed that each Egyptian family would suffer the loss of their first born. But to the Israelites He spoke a promise. He instructed them that each household should sacrifice a lamb and put its blood on the doorposts of their home. The first born of each home with blood on the doorpost would be spared.
And so it was. God protected the Hebrew children and Pharaoh finally let the Israelites leave Egypt. God had proved Himself strong on behalf of His people.
And that brings us to today when we are facing a worldwide plague. The Israelites had the blood of a lamb for their protection. We have the blood of Jesus! God’s protection is over our homes just as He protected the Israelites. All around them people were affected by the plagues, but they were kept safe. Do you trust our Lord to do the same for you today?
Family Interaction:
As you gather round your table today remember the Israelite families as they gathered around theirs the night of the Passover. As the first borns all around them were taken, their families remained safe. Share with each other what you think that night must have been like for them.
Do you feel safe within your home? Do you believe God is protecting you? Talk about these things as a family. Instead of feeling “stuck” at home, talk about God’s protection over you there.
Lord, long ago the homes that had blood on their doorposts were safe. Today we are Your home. You live within us and we recognize that the blood of Jesus protects us in this hour just as You protected the Israelites long ago. Show us how to share with others what it means to belong to You. We have so many ways to communicate electronically during this time in our homes. Help us make the most of it. Thank You, Jesus, for Your great love for us! Amen
A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Psalm 91:7