The presence of God brings peace (Philippians 4:6-7) , protection (Psalm 91:9-10), provision (Philippians 4:19), power (Romans 15:13), and purpose (Romans 8:28).

Family Interaction:
Fear is rampant right now. It is fueled by the media and others who are focused only on what the enemy is doing in this hour. We who know the Lord, though, experience all that His presence brings. Gather your family around your table today and share together what it means to live in the presence of God.
Have each family member share what these words (peace, protection, provision, power, purpose) mean to them. Encourage each one to share examples they might have experienced. Younger children might like to draw a picture instead of sharing with words.
As each one shares, keep in mind the table is a place of blessing and esteeming. This is a time of sharing what the words mean to each one, not what the correct definition of the word is. Each person’s answer will be about their understanding and experience. Receive what each one shares without judgement or correction.
Some family members may not be able to relate to the fullness of what God provides. That is okay. They do not have to share, but hopefully they will be encouraged by what others do.
This is a suggested prayer. Feel free to pray your own.
Father, we thank You for sending Jesus and Jesus we thank You that You were willing to die in our place so that we might inherit all that is Yours. We declare today that You are our Lord and our Savior and we receive all that Your presence in our home gives to us. We do not walk in fear in this hour because You are our peace and our protection. We do not lack because You are our provision. We are not helpless because You are our power. And we do not drift or wander aimlessly in this hour because You have great purpose for each of our lives. You are our all in all! Amen.